Sunday, November 19, 2006

All these things-Part 2

Maybe it's a liberal interpretation of the verse but I watched Matthew 6:33 happen to my husband yesterday. One of the tough parts about packing to leave for two years are the things that you'd really love to bring but you're not sure you'll ever get to use. And if you can't say, "yes I'm sure I'll use that all the time" then it probably won't make the cut. For Doug that meant bacon. Anyone who knows Doug knows that he loves bacon. He relished Saturday mornings with the family at “Franny’s” in Natick, where bacon accompanied every meal. He has been known to say, “What doesn’t go well with bacon??” But when we left we just weren't sure bacon would be available in supermarkets in Bethlehem so we left the bacon home. Sure it was tough and I knew Doug was pretty bummed but what can you do? What sort of missionary refuses to go to the mission field because he can't have bacon? Well don't you know there’s a lovely store that Doug frequents just about daily, called “Fufu.” He had checked out whether they had bacon right when we got here, but to no avail. We've been trying to find out if other stores have it, but nobody does. Then last night Doug paid a visit to our store “Fufu.” Doug barely had gotten in the door and an employee at Fufu says,"I have bacon (that looked scary) or I have THIS,” and she held up real bacon! Long story short, as I heard Doug cooking up breakfast this morning, I listened to the familiar sound of bacon frying in the pan, and I realized that he had given up bacon for God. God gave it back. " first the Kindom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well."


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