Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Nylon Stringed Magic

When I was in college, my roomate, Dan, played the guitar non-stop. As many of you know, not much has changed. I got a new roomate (who is much prettier if you ask me). But Dan still plays the guitar non-stop. I used to sit and listen and listen and listen to Dan's songs. Sometimes I felt like I knew the words better than he did. Sometimes I would sing along. Sometimes I would get so sick of hearing him play that stinking guitar. I mean seriously, how much can one person play the guitar? Dan and I were roomates for all 4 years of college. We were even roomates in Jerusalem for a semester. Some people never make it out of college still on speaking terms with their roomates. We did. Dan's was one of the hardest goodbye's I had to say when we came over here.
Dan's here now. He's staying up in Jerusalem. Tonight Mandy and I went out to dinner with Dan, our other friend, Hiromu, and Josh & Lauren. After dinner we went back to Josh & Lauren's apartment and Dan picked up a guitar. It wasn't quite as nice as his 1977 Guild that he's had since high school. It was just a little nylon stringed number that he borrowed from Josh & Lauren's neighbor. But man can Dan make those nylon strings sing. It made me laugh when I thought about those nights in college when I would get so sick of hearing him play that I would put my pillow over my head and go to sleep. Here we are some 4 years removed and I've been dying to hear him play his guitar. It was just one song but it made my night. Sometimes you don't realize what you've got until it's gone. Hearing Dan play tonight I was reminded of what a special gift his music is and how much it means to me.


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