Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Journal entry (Mandy)

One of the reasons I love teaching in the elementary level is because kids usually tell you exactly how they feel, whether you are ready to hear it or not. I've found journaling to be an excellent outlet for children to do just that. Journaling has always been an important aspect in my classroom because I've connected with ALL of my students in this way. Today I read a journal entry that pulled on my heartstrings. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I thought you might enjoy seeing what's happening with one of my students. God is really moving in this young girl's life. Here it is:

"When I grow up I want to be able to tell about God and when he died on the cross for our sins.
My favorite part of school is p.e. and language. And reading. I like to read the Bible night and morning and I like to pray for my family and my aunt in Poland and my other aunt in Ramalla.
During recess I like to play with my friends catching. WE LOVE MISS MANDY."

Then in a heart on the next page she wrote: forever Miss Mandy

Keep praying that my other students, and all the students in our school for that matter, are able to grow roots like this young child.


At 8:56 PM, Blogger Joel Swagman said...

Wow, it's great to hear your doing well at your job


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