Tuesday, October 30, 2007

God's Passionate Love (Mandy)

Near the end of last school year I had been feeling called to start a high school Bible study for girls. I felt convicted to disciple a small group of girls who would be committed to digging deep in God’s word, and passionate about growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ. This past weekend the first session of high school girls’ Bible study took place in our apartment! Well, actually it was our second meeting since we had gotten together a couple of weeks ago to get acquainted. We began studying a book by Bill Hybels which focuses on God’s significance in and purpose for our lives. (I had heard Hybels speak this past summer and was impressed by his inspiring words and genuine love for the Lord and God’s people). The first chapter discusses “God’s Passionate Love” for us. 7 girls came to the study. Two could not make it, so I am hoping the group ends up at a consistent 9 in the weeks to come.
I was pleasantly surprised when Angie and Dima showed up this past weekend. They had not come the first time. Angie showed up without telling me and I had had no interaction with her before so it caught me off guard. I do remember asking Doug about a “lippy” girl who showed up to Bible club last year (who turns out to be Angie). Dima came right from her Islamic Religion class to our study. I could tell it was going to get interesting!
The ease with which we discussed God’s love for us was remarkable. It was a good topic to start with, seeing as how I needed to get a better grapple on these young ladies. The first question asked us to tell about a time when we felt God’s love. Angie couldn’t think of a time. She made it clear to us that she felt uncomfortable as she nervously giggled and slouched down into the couch. I suggested to Angie that maybe she didn't know how to recognize God's love. She agreed. So the other girls tried to explain their encounters with God and how that translated into his love. At the end of our time together, Angie still couldn't recall a time she had felt God's love.
Dima contributed often to our discussion. I was impressed by her knowledge of the Bible, and she seems to have a real relationship with God. She told us she relies on God’s love to help her family through a very difficult situation. As our study ended she broke down into tears and shared with us everything that’s going on in her life. She is a hurting young lady! It was awesome to gather around her and pray for her. I couldn’t believe it was happening so soon. I was praying that we would get comfortable with each other, and he answered that prayer ten-fold!
Please pray for our Bible study. We meet twice a month, but the girls have suggested meeting more often. (Wow) Pray that we can be powerful witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and his transforming love to Dima and Angie. Pray that I am able to connect with all the girls, and able to encourage them and help them grow in their relationship with Jesus. Pray that Jesus makes himself real to all of them. They really encouraged me this past week as I heard many stories of God's faithfulness in their lives. I am thrilled with what the Lord is doing already!